Pomeroy War Memorial Hall was opened in 1921 to commemorate the loss of men from Pomeroy and Sterndale Moor in WWI. The work was done by a small group of local men on a voluntary basis. Many memorial halls were built later, as from 1924 the government gave out loans to communities to build village halls.
Pomeroy hall was successful and well used for many years, having a reading and games room and hosted dances, children’s parties and a Sunday school. An adjoining piece of land was donated by the Duke of Devonshire and used as a cricket ground and as allotments.
During the Second World War Pomeroy War Memorial Hall was requisitioned by the Home Guard and used for storage. After the war activities such as dancing and parties resumed, later whist drives were the main activity.
The building has not been used as a village hall since the 1980’s. It has been used as a storage for the last 30 years but the building is now in need of complete modernisation
The Pomeroy Trust have delved into the history of the hall and the families of the men it was built to commemorate. We feel it is important to secure the future of the building, both as a war memorial and as a place where support, comfort and social opportunities can be found, as was originally intended.
However, we still face a number of issues.
1. We can’t register as a charitable trust, without having the required £5000 annual income. It is difficult making income when we don’t have a building that is safe to use! There are complex issues around how the charitable trust was originally set up in the 1920s we are classed as having two separate trusts. We would welcome help or advice from anyone who has any experience of alternatives to becoming a charitable trust (CIO, CIC etc) or charity law.
2. Before we can start work at the hall, we need a “written scheme of investigation.” The hall is close to a Roman Road and an archaeologist must be present for any digging.
3. We also have to get water, electricity and plumbing/drainage and sewerage installed at the hall.
We would love to speak to anyone with experience in these matters. If you can help in any way (or for more information or to join us) please contact
Email: pomeroy wmh@talktalk.net Facebook: www. face book.com/pomeroy memorialhall Website: www.thepomeroy trust.co.uk