If you live by, or in, our beautiful village of Ashford and walk the customary circle from end to end, there must have been one little bungalow that made you stop and look longer at its quirkiness.
This little dwelling is one of 6, set back from Court Lane, with such a different aspect.
Number one’s garden is a mass of bright-as-you-like, petal-rich colours. Every inch of soil has been made use of… No colour is rejected – the brighter the better. RED especially!
Look carefully between this tapestry of colour; there are more quaint objects, many (and I mean many) miniature stone animals of every kind, some bright, some not so.
Rabbits, worms as long as your arm, butterflies, frogs and ducks.
Search longer amongst this vivid display and the little people can be seen pushing their way to the best position.
It is not to everyone’s taste this has to be said, but to some it is delightful. It’s certainly a talking point!
And the person who is behind this creation is Pauline Witham, dare I say, 87 years old.
For the last 20 of those years she and her husband, Keith (now not with us), put the hours, not to mention cost, into this fairytale wonder.
There is the occasional breakage, and removal, by the public! “Just ask, don’t take without asking,”
So, when the time comes, with the changing of the guards – and it will, new tenants that take on this daunting challenge will have their work cut out.
Whoever that is, just remember, Pauline will be watching you from up high, with trowel in one hand and water hose in the other.
Belinda Mellor