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What's On Listings
What's on in the Peak District area.
Events, entertainment, meetings, social groups, children's playgroups, walking groups, clubs and more... Find out what's on in the Peak District, Matlock and Wirksworth.
Select one, two or all of the options below
Tuesday 18th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.00am Easy walk 90 minutes. Ogston Reservoir – North car park.
Wednesday 19th March
ASHBOURNE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am. Progression walk 3 hrs. Parsley Hay – High Peak Trail car park (SK17 0DG, SK146637).
Wednesday 19th March
BOLEHILL WI 7.15pm Wellspring Church, Wood Street, Wirksworth, “Maypole Movers” with Claire Butler. Visitors welcome.
Wednesday 19th March
DERBYSHIRE DALES SOLAR CAR PARKS local consultation 5.30-7pm, Bakewell Town Hall, DE45 1BT 5.30-6pm refreshments, 6-7pm presentation and discussion.
Wednesday 19th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Car park opposite Birchover Stone Quarry on top road from Birchover to Stanton in Peak.
Wednesday 19th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 12.30 Lunchtime meeting. Speaker John Hopkins: “Tanzanian Wildlife”. Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 19th March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Welfare and Finance: Jobcentre, Citizens Advice, Marches Energy Agency. 11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Wednesday 19th March
– 20 WHEN THE WORLD TURNS Oily Cart. Level Centre, Old Station Close, Rowsley DE4 2EL. For visitors up to the age of 25 who have profound and multiple learning disabilities. Booking required. www.levelcentre.com/when-the-world-turns
Thursday 20th March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Alport – park in lay-by at the top of Alport on Youlgrave road – DE45 1LG.
Thursday 20th March
CASTLETON HISTORICAL SOCIETY ‘Woodhead the lost railway’ slideshow presentation by Stephen Gay. 7.30pm Peveril Centre, Methodist Church, Buxton Road, Castleton, S33 8WP. Visitors welcome. £3 inc light refreshments. Students free. www.castletonhistorical.co.uk or secretary@castletonhistorical.co.uk
Thursday 20th March
MATLOCK RAILWAY CLUB Duke William, Church Street, Matlock. 7.30pm. Speaker Stephen Flinders ‘The Ilkeston Electric Tramway’ Non members welcome. 07900 244 913 or matlockrailwayclub.wordpress.com
Thursday 20th March
– 21, 22 CHATSWORTH PLAYERS PRESENT Pride and Prejudice at the theatre at Chatsworth House. www.tickettailor.com/events/chatsworthplayers/1541837
Friday 21st March
BASLOW SENIOR CITIZENS’ CLUB James Ellson – “The Long Road to Publication”. 2pm-3.45pm Baslow Village Hall, Nether End, Baslow DE45 1SR. June Powell 01246 583375.
Friday 21st March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 7pm Quiz Night Medway Centre, Bakewell. Raising funds for our small grants’ community scheme and the Repair cafés at the Methodist Church Hall. £10 buffet included. Bar and raffle. Tickets David Rawson 01629 812110, the Medway Centre or from any Bakewell Rotarian.
Saturday 22nd March
DERBYSHIRE DALES SOLAR CAR PARKS local consultation 10-11.30am, The Lime Tree, Matlock, DE4 3EJ 10-10.30am refreshments, 10.30-11.30am presentation and discussion.
Saturday 22nd March
FLAGG VILLAGE HALL fundraiser with the Hartington & District Community First Responders. 7pm. Night of horse racing with horse ownership included in £3 entry fee, £1 tote bets, prizes for all winning owners. Book: Rachel 07971 872296.
Saturday 22nd March
THE DERBYSHIRE SINGERS Vaughan Williams and Brahms in St John's Church, Ashbourne DE6 1EX. 7.30pm. Tickets £16, inc programme, full-time students free. Tickets: www.derbyshiresingers.org/future-concerts
Sunday 23rd March
BAKEWELL BICYCLE JUMBLE Agricultural Business Centre DE45 1HA 9am-1pm, all profits to Blythe House Hospice. Details Paul 07813 088401.
Sunday 23rd March
WYNS TOR SINGERS SPRING CONCERT 3pm St Mary’s church, Wirksworth. Varied programme of joyful choral music through the ages. Tickets £10 from Marsden’s (cash only), or on the door.
Monday 24th March
BAKEWELL METHODIST CHURCH 10-11.45. Charity stall in support of the work of Oxfam. Offering home-baked goodies, bric a brac and books. Coffee, tea and scones available. All welcome.
Monday 24th March
CROMFORD STAY AND PLAY Every other Monday, term time 1.30pm-3pm (6 months to more-school). Cromford institute, 16 The Hill, Cromford.
Tuesday 25th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Winster – top of West Bank car park – DE4 2DR.
Tuesday 25th March
YOULGRAVE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am Moderate walk 60-90 minutes. Hartington – meet outside Devonshire Arms – SK17 0AL.
Wednesday 26th March
DERBYSHIRE DALES GET TOGETHER WALK 3 walks on offer, all very steady, of about 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours – something for everyone. Meet at Bakewell Agricultural Business Centre (ABC) – DE45 1AH.
Wednesday 26th March
KURLING AND BOCCIA The Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale. Last Wednesday monthly, 1.30-3pm. £3 to include tea or coffee.
Wednesday 26th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 6pm Evening Meeting. Speaker John Hopkins: “Tanzanian Wildlife” Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 26th March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Mental Health and Housing: Derbyshire Federation for Mental Health, High Peak Borough Council.11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Thursday 27th March
BAKEWELL AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Talk – Elizabethan portraiture – the hidden meanings by Jackie Morgan. Friends Meeting House, Bakewell. Refreshments from 7pm, start 7.30pm. Non members welcome. £3 on the door plus donation for refreshments.
Thursday 27th March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Ashford in the Water – meet on Fennel Street opposite Holy Trinity Church. DE45 1QG.
Thursday 27th March
THE FARMING LIFE CENTRE WALKS 1.15pm Short walk, 60-90 mins. Rowsley South Station – park at Peak Rail station off Harrison Way, DE4 2LF.
Thursday 27th March
– 28, 29 CHATSWORTH PLAYERS PRESENT Pride and Prejudice 7.30pm at the theatre at Chatsworth House. www.tickettailor.com/events/chatsworthplayers/1541837
Friday 28th March
DARLEY DALE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Talk by the Potty Plotters. Visitors £5 with free refreshments. 7.30pm Methodist Hall, Dale Road North, Darley Dale. DE4 2FT. Visitors and new members welcome.
Friday 28th March
MATLOCK ARTIST SOCIETY LIFE DRAWING GROUP Meets 4th Friday monthly. Open to all £10 per session 9.30am-12 noon. Booking essential: Linda Orchard linda22@btinternet.com Starkholmes Village Hall, 105 Starkholmes Road, Matlock DE4 3DE.
Friday 28th March
MATLOCK MUSIC PRESENTS LIVE MUSIC IN THE DALES Clare Hammond – piano. Wheeldon Hall, Highfields School, Lumsdale, off the Chesterfield Road, Matlock, DE4 5NA starting 7.30pm. Tickets £15 on the door. Under 18s free, students / registered job-seekers half-price. All seats unreserved. Ample parking. Further information www.matlockmusic.org.uk or George Wolfe, 01433 631308.
Saturday 29th March
AMERICAN WILDERNESS ODYSSEY Florence Nightingale Memorial Hall, Holloway, Derbys. 7.30pm. Tickets and information: Dave 01773 856545. Online booking: ticketsource.co.uk/florence-nightingale-memorial-hall
Saturday 29th March
BAKEWELL FARMERS’ MARKET Agricultural Centre. 8.30am-1.30pm. Parking and easy access. 01629 813777.
Saturday 29th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL REPAIR CAFÉ 10am Methodist Church Hall. Last items 12.30.
Sunday 30th March
SUNDAY 2GETHER St. Anne’s Baslow. All-age services 9.45am. Dramatised Bible story, songs and hymns, crafts, refreshements. Children welcome (toys, books, craft and colouring).
Tuesday 1st March
EASTERN MOORS – WALK MOOR 10.30am Steady walk 90 minutes. 2.5 mile walk below Birchen Edge to Gardom’s Edge with a couple of stiles. Park in Birchen Edge car park.
Tuesday 1st March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Park on road by Lea Gardens.
Tuesday 1st March
TIDESWELL CINEMA 19.15 Royal Opera: Turandot. Church Ln, Tideswell, Buxton SK17 8PD.
Wednesday 2nd March
ASHBOURNE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am. Progression walk 3 hrs. Friden – High Peak Trail car park (SK17 0DY, SK173608).
Wednesday 2nd March
CROMFORD WI Heather Thomas Rwanda 7.15pm. The Greyhound, Market Place, Cromford DE4 3QE.
Wednesday 2nd March
FOLK NIGHT Live music session at the Crispin, Great Longstone 7.30 onwards. Come along, sing and play. All welcome.
Wednesday 2nd March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Whitworth Centre car park off A6 – DE4 2EQ.
Wednesday 2nd March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 12.30 Business and Council Meeting. Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 2nd March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Drug and Alcohol: Derbyshire Recovery Partnership. 11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Wednesday 2nd March
TIDESWELL CINEMA 19.15 Musical: Billy Elliot – The Musical (20th Anniversary). Church Ln, Tideswell, Buxton SK17 8PD.
Wednesday 2nd March
TIDESWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Steady walk 1 ½ / 2 hours, 3-4 miles. Meet at Fountain Square.
Thursday 3rd March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Alport – Alport Lane above Alport on Youlgrave Road – DE45 1LG.
Friday 4th March
BASLOW SENIOR CITIZENS’ CLUB Ukulele group. 2pm-3.45pm Baslow Village Hall, Nether End, Baslow DE45 1SR. June Powell 01246 583375.
Friday 4th March
BIGGIN VILLAGE HALL ‘Four Hands and a Horn’ by music group Mumbo Jumbo 7.30pm. Part of Live & Local. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Tickets £12 from Dawn 07967 749929, Ticketsource (search ‘ticketsource biggin’) or liveandlocal.org.uk
Friday 4th March
MATLOCK ARTIST SOCIETY PORTRAIT GROUP Open to all £5 per session 1st Friday monthly 9.30am-12 noon. Starkholmes Village Hall, 105 Starkholmes Road, Matlock DE4 3DE.
Friday 4th March
MATLOCK STORYTELLING CAFÉ presents Lisa Schnideau Telling ‘The World Tree’ 7pm doors, stories and music 7.30. Imperial Rooms, Imperial Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3NL. Tickets £8: buytickets.at/matlockstorytellingcafe/1625247 More details Matlock Storytelling Café facebook page.
Friday 4th March
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP BAKEWELL First Friday monthly 2.30-4.30pm Conference Room, Agricultural Business Centre, Agricultural Way, Bakewell, to offer support, friendship and entertainment to anybody with Parkinson’s, carers, family and friends. More details Joyce 01629 812288.
Saturday 5th March
BASLOW BOWLS CLUB Free Taster Session. Everything you need to get started plus onsite parking, all free of charge. To book: info.baslowbowls@gmail.com or 07730 359 226 and leave a message.
Saturday 5th March
BASLOW CHOIR sing at St Lawrence’s Church, Eyam 7.30pm. Works by Haydn, Mozart, Handel and others. Accompanied by Carol Barnes on piano and guest soloist Rachel Abbott (soprano). Tickets £10 / £5 under 12s from: 0114 236 0820 or tickets@baslowchoir.co.uk or wegottickets.com Baslow Spar shop, choir members or on the door.
Saturday 5th March
HATHERSAGE BRASS BAND Spring Concert starting 7pm Hathersage Methodist Church (S32 1BB). Tickets £8 adults, under 16s free, available on the door or via wegottickets.com/event/644075.
Saturday 5th March
WIRKSWORTH REPAIR CAFÉ Free repairs first Saturday monthly Wellspring Church Hall, Wood Street, Wirksworth, 9.30am-12.30pm. Fixers will attempt to repair any portable item you bring. Donations towards expenses welcome.
Monday 7th March
BASLOW BOWLS CLUB Free Taster Session. See 5 April.
Monday 7th March
Monday 7th March
DERBYSHIRE RURAL CHAPLAINCY monthly service at Bakewell Livestock Market. Short, informal service starting 10am, conference room, Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1AH. Everyone welcome. Refreshments.
Tuesday 18th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.00am Easy walk 90 minutes. Ogston Reservoir – North car park.
Wednesday 19th March
ASHBOURNE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am. Progression walk 3 hrs. Parsley Hay – High Peak Trail car park (SK17 0DG, SK146637).
Wednesday 19th March
BOLEHILL WI 7.15pm Wellspring Church, Wood Street, Wirksworth, “Maypole Movers” with Claire Butler. Visitors welcome.
Wednesday 19th March
DERBYSHIRE DALES SOLAR CAR PARKS local consultation 5.30-7pm, Bakewell Town Hall, DE45 1BT 5.30-6pm refreshments, 6-7pm presentation and discussion.
Wednesday 19th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Car park opposite Birchover Stone Quarry on top road from Birchover to Stanton in Peak.
Wednesday 19th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 12.30 Lunchtime meeting. Speaker John Hopkins: “Tanzanian Wildlife”. Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 19th March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Welfare and Finance: Jobcentre, Citizens Advice, Marches Energy Agency. 11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Wednesday 19th March
– 20 WHEN THE WORLD TURNS Oily Cart. Level Centre, Old Station Close, Rowsley DE4 2EL. For visitors up to the age of 25 who have profound and multiple learning disabilities. Booking required. www.levelcentre.com/when-the-world-turns
Thursday 20th March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Alport – park in lay-by at the top of Alport on Youlgrave road – DE45 1LG.
Thursday 20th March
CASTLETON HISTORICAL SOCIETY ‘Woodhead the lost railway’ slideshow presentation by Stephen Gay. 7.30pm Peveril Centre, Methodist Church, Buxton Road, Castleton, S33 8WP. Visitors welcome. £3 inc light refreshments. Students free. www.castletonhistorical.co.uk or secretary@castletonhistorical.co.uk
Thursday 20th March
MATLOCK RAILWAY CLUB Duke William, Church Street, Matlock. 7.30pm. Speaker Stephen Flinders ‘The Ilkeston Electric Tramway’ Non members welcome. 07900 244 913 or matlockrailwayclub.wordpress.com
Thursday 20th March
– 21, 22 CHATSWORTH PLAYERS PRESENT Pride and Prejudice at the theatre at Chatsworth House. www.tickettailor.com/events/chatsworthplayers/1541837
Friday 21st March
BASLOW SENIOR CITIZENS’ CLUB James Ellson – “The Long Road to Publication”. 2pm-3.45pm Baslow Village Hall, Nether End, Baslow DE45 1SR. June Powell 01246 583375.
Friday 21st March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 7pm Quiz Night Medway Centre, Bakewell. Raising funds for our small grants’ community scheme and the Repair cafés at the Methodist Church Hall. £10 buffet included. Bar and raffle. Tickets David Rawson 01629 812110, the Medway Centre or from any Bakewell Rotarian.
Saturday 22nd March
DERBYSHIRE DALES SOLAR CAR PARKS local consultation 10-11.30am, The Lime Tree, Matlock, DE4 3EJ 10-10.30am refreshments, 10.30-11.30am presentation and discussion.
Saturday 22nd March
FLAGG VILLAGE HALL fundraiser with the Hartington & District Community First Responders. 7pm. Night of horse racing with horse ownership included in £3 entry fee, £1 tote bets, prizes for all winning owners. Book: Rachel 07971 872296.
Saturday 22nd March
THE DERBYSHIRE SINGERS Vaughan Williams and Brahms in St John's Church, Ashbourne DE6 1EX. 7.30pm. Tickets £16, inc programme, full-time students free. Tickets: www.derbyshiresingers.org/future-concerts
Sunday 23rd March
BAKEWELL BICYCLE JUMBLE Agricultural Business Centre DE45 1HA 9am-1pm, all profits to Blythe House Hospice. Details Paul 07813 088401.
Sunday 23rd March
WYNS TOR SINGERS SPRING CONCERT 3pm St Mary’s church, Wirksworth. Varied programme of joyful choral music through the ages. Tickets £10 from Marsden’s (cash only), or on the door.
Monday 24th March
BAKEWELL METHODIST CHURCH 10-11.45. Charity stall in support of the work of Oxfam. Offering home-baked goodies, bric a brac and books. Coffee, tea and scones available. All welcome.
Monday 24th March
CROMFORD STAY AND PLAY Every other Monday, term time 1.30pm-3pm (6 months to more-school). Cromford institute, 16 The Hill, Cromford.
Tuesday 25th March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Winster – top of West Bank car park – DE4 2DR.
Tuesday 25th March
YOULGRAVE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am Moderate walk 60-90 minutes. Hartington – meet outside Devonshire Arms – SK17 0AL.
Wednesday 26th March
DERBYSHIRE DALES GET TOGETHER WALK 3 walks on offer, all very steady, of about 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours – something for everyone. Meet at Bakewell Agricultural Business Centre (ABC) – DE45 1AH.
Wednesday 26th March
KURLING AND BOCCIA The Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale. Last Wednesday monthly, 1.30-3pm. £3 to include tea or coffee.
Wednesday 26th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 6pm Evening Meeting. Speaker John Hopkins: “Tanzanian Wildlife” Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 26th March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Mental Health and Housing: Derbyshire Federation for Mental Health, High Peak Borough Council.11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Thursday 27th March
BAKEWELL AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Talk – Elizabethan portraiture – the hidden meanings by Jackie Morgan. Friends Meeting House, Bakewell. Refreshments from 7pm, start 7.30pm. Non members welcome. £3 on the door plus donation for refreshments.
Thursday 27th March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Ashford in the Water – meet on Fennel Street opposite Holy Trinity Church. DE45 1QG.
Thursday 27th March
THE FARMING LIFE CENTRE WALKS 1.15pm Short walk, 60-90 mins. Rowsley South Station – park at Peak Rail station off Harrison Way, DE4 2LF.
Thursday 27th March
– 28, 29 CHATSWORTH PLAYERS PRESENT Pride and Prejudice 7.30pm at the theatre at Chatsworth House. www.tickettailor.com/events/chatsworthplayers/1541837
Friday 28th March
DARLEY DALE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Talk by the Potty Plotters. Visitors £5 with free refreshments. 7.30pm Methodist Hall, Dale Road North, Darley Dale. DE4 2FT. Visitors and new members welcome.
Friday 28th March
MATLOCK ARTIST SOCIETY LIFE DRAWING GROUP Meets 4th Friday monthly. Open to all £10 per session 9.30am-12 noon. Booking essential: Linda Orchard linda22@btinternet.com Starkholmes Village Hall, 105 Starkholmes Road, Matlock DE4 3DE.
Friday 28th March
MATLOCK MUSIC PRESENTS LIVE MUSIC IN THE DALES Clare Hammond – piano. Wheeldon Hall, Highfields School, Lumsdale, off the Chesterfield Road, Matlock, DE4 5NA starting 7.30pm. Tickets £15 on the door. Under 18s free, students / registered job-seekers half-price. All seats unreserved. Ample parking. Further information www.matlockmusic.org.uk or George Wolfe, 01433 631308.
Saturday 29th March
AMERICAN WILDERNESS ODYSSEY Florence Nightingale Memorial Hall, Holloway, Derbys. 7.30pm. Tickets and information: Dave 01773 856545. Online booking: ticketsource.co.uk/florence-nightingale-memorial-hall
Saturday 29th March
BAKEWELL FARMERS’ MARKET Agricultural Centre. 8.30am-1.30pm. Parking and easy access. 01629 813777.
Saturday 29th March
ROTARY BAKEWELL REPAIR CAFÉ 10am Methodist Church Hall. Last items 12.30.
Sunday 30th March
SUNDAY 2GETHER St. Anne’s Baslow. All-age services 9.45am. Dramatised Bible story, songs and hymns, crafts, refreshements. Children welcome (toys, books, craft and colouring).
Tuesday 1st March
EASTERN MOORS – WALK MOOR 10.30am Steady walk 90 minutes. 2.5 mile walk below Birchen Edge to Gardom’s Edge with a couple of stiles. Park in Birchen Edge car park.
Tuesday 1st March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Park on road by Lea Gardens.
Tuesday 1st March
TIDESWELL CINEMA 19.15 Royal Opera: Turandot. Church Ln, Tideswell, Buxton SK17 8PD.
Wednesday 2nd March
ASHBOURNE DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10.30am. Progression walk 3 hrs. Friden – High Peak Trail car park (SK17 0DY, SK173608).
Wednesday 2nd March
CROMFORD WI Heather Thomas Rwanda 7.15pm. The Greyhound, Market Place, Cromford DE4 3QE.
Wednesday 2nd March
FOLK NIGHT Live music session at the Crispin, Great Longstone 7.30 onwards. Come along, sing and play. All welcome.
Wednesday 2nd March
MATLOCK DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Easy walk 90 minutes. Whitworth Centre car park off A6 – DE4 2EQ.
Wednesday 2nd March
ROTARY BAKEWELL 12.30 Business and Council Meeting. Rutland Arms Hotel, Bakewell.
Wednesday 2nd March
SPEAK EASY AT ZINK Drug and Alcohol: Derbyshire Recovery Partnership. 11am-1pm Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Wednesday 2nd March
TIDESWELL CINEMA 19.15 Musical: Billy Elliot – The Musical (20th Anniversary). Church Ln, Tideswell, Buxton SK17 8PD.
Wednesday 2nd March
TIDESWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Steady walk 1 ½ / 2 hours, 3-4 miles. Meet at Fountain Square.
Thursday 3rd March
BAKEWELL DERBYSHIRE DALES HEALTH WALKS 10am Moderate walk 90-120 mins. Alport – Alport Lane above Alport on Youlgrave Road – DE45 1LG.
Friday 4th March
BASLOW SENIOR CITIZENS’ CLUB Ukulele group. 2pm-3.45pm Baslow Village Hall, Nether End, Baslow DE45 1SR. June Powell 01246 583375.
Friday 4th March
BIGGIN VILLAGE HALL ‘Four Hands and a Horn’ by music group Mumbo Jumbo 7.30pm. Part of Live & Local. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Tickets £12 from Dawn 07967 749929, Ticketsource (search ‘ticketsource biggin’) or liveandlocal.org.uk
Friday 4th March
MATLOCK ARTIST SOCIETY PORTRAIT GROUP Open to all £5 per session 1st Friday monthly 9.30am-12 noon. Starkholmes Village Hall, 105 Starkholmes Road, Matlock DE4 3DE.
Friday 4th March
MATLOCK STORYTELLING CAFÉ presents Lisa Schnideau Telling ‘The World Tree’ 7pm doors, stories and music 7.30. Imperial Rooms, Imperial Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3NL. Tickets £8: buytickets.at/matlockstorytellingcafe/1625247 More details Matlock Storytelling Café facebook page.
Friday 4th March
PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP BAKEWELL First Friday monthly 2.30-4.30pm Conference Room, Agricultural Business Centre, Agricultural Way, Bakewell, to offer support, friendship and entertainment to anybody with Parkinson’s, carers, family and friends. More details Joyce 01629 812288.
Saturday 5th March
BASLOW BOWLS CLUB Free Taster Session. Everything you need to get started plus onsite parking, all free of charge. To book: info.baslowbowls@gmail.com or 07730 359 226 and leave a message.
Saturday 5th March
BASLOW CHOIR sing at St Lawrence’s Church, Eyam 7.30pm. Works by Haydn, Mozart, Handel and others. Accompanied by Carol Barnes on piano and guest soloist Rachel Abbott (soprano). Tickets £10 / £5 under 12s from: 0114 236 0820 or tickets@baslowchoir.co.uk or wegottickets.com Baslow Spar shop, choir members or on the door.
Saturday 5th March
HATHERSAGE BRASS BAND Spring Concert starting 7pm Hathersage Methodist Church (S32 1BB). Tickets £8 adults, under 16s free, available on the door or via wegottickets.com/event/644075.
Saturday 5th March
WIRKSWORTH REPAIR CAFÉ Free repairs first Saturday monthly Wellspring Church Hall, Wood Street, Wirksworth, 9.30am-12.30pm. Fixers will attempt to repair any portable item you bring. Donations towards expenses welcome.
Monday 7th March
BASLOW BOWLS CLUB Free Taster Session. See 5 April.
Monday 7th March
Monday 7th March
DERBYSHIRE RURAL CHAPLAINCY monthly service at Bakewell Livestock Market. Short, informal service starting 10am, conference room, Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1AH. Everyone welcome. Refreshments.
Please note that the Peak Advertiser cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of any event submitted to us for publication. See our full terms here.