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Regular Events Listings
Diary of events in the Peak District area.
Our diary of regular events, entertainment, meetings, social groups, children's playgroups, walking groups, clubs and more...
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Bakewell Bird Study Group 2nd Monday monthly Sept-April, Friends Meeting House, end Chapel Row, off Matlock Street, Bakewell DE45 1EL. Monthly visits to local bird spots, learn from more experienced members.
Bakewell Choral Society Rehearsal 7.15-9.30pm. Bakewell Methodist Church, Matlock Street, Bakewell DE45 1EL. Details: bcsmembersec@gmail.com
Bakewell Market 70+ stalls 9am-4pm Granby Road and the Market Place.
Bakewell Methodist Church coffee mornings 10am-12 noon. Refreshments. Stall 1st Monday monthly.
Bonsall Church Café 12 noon-3pm. Wide selection of snacks and refreshments.
Bonsall Church Market 1st Monday monthly. To sell you need board or folding table. 9.30am sellers, 10.30am visitors until 3.30pm. 07974 304067 Kathryn.
Bonsall School Toddler Group under 5s, 9.30-11.30am term time. Toys, music, singing, craft. Rectory Room, Church Street. £1 per family, refreshments available.
Books and Literature 4th Monday (afternoon) Hope Valley u3a – Hathersage. chair.hvu3a@gmail.com 07534 833814 or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Children’s Library and Story Time Cromford Institute Village Hall 1.45-2.30pm (term time). Adults Library open during above hours. Room also available for hire.
Club 52 Bridge Club 6.30pm for 6.45pm Bakewell Town Hall. Visitors and new members welcome. 01629 814439 or 07538 435629.
Craft Alternate Mondays (afternoon) Hope Valley u3a – Hathersage. chair.hvu3a@gmail.com 07534 833814 or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Cromford Stay and Play Every other Monday. Term time 1.30pm-3.00pm (6 months to more-school). Cromford institute, 16 The Hill, Cromford.
French Conversation Every Monday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – Hathersage. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Hurst Farm, Matlock Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 9.30am, easy walk. Meet Hurst Farm Community Centre, 6 Hazel Grove, Matlock. 1st and 3rd Monday monthly.
Ladies Cycling Group 9.30am from Hassop station. Cycling on Monsal Trail followed by coffee and cake. All welcome.
Matlock Cycling Club 9.30 year round, Cromford Market Place 30-40 miles mostly minor roads to café and back by 1-2pm. New riders welcome, ring in advance: Chris 0770 9881270 or Richard 07410 402536 to confirm.
Meditation group, currently online, Sangha in the Peak. 7.25-9pm. All welcome, previous experience or new. No charge. sanghainthepeak.org
Meet and Make Masson Mills Visitor Centre. Free drop-in meet. Bring your own craft or hobby. 10am-12pm. 1 hour's parking refund with purchase in Visitor Centre.
Spanish Conversation Every Monday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – Hathersage. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
St. James’ Church Bonsall 12noon-3pm for refreshments. Vegan and GF available. Tables in or out. Used books for small donation. Proceeds to building upkeep.
Tools for self reliance Bakewell. Tool kits for Africa 10am-12. Mill Leat Workshop next to Agricultural Centre. Mary Pope 01629 733944.
Wirksworth Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 2pm. Meet at Wirksworth Leisure Centre car park. Very steady walk 60-90 minutes.
Ashbourne Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10.30am Very Steady walk 60 minutes Ashbourne Rec by the Pavilion.
Bakewell Church Art Club 10-12, no experience needed.
Bakewell Townswomen’s Guild Visitors welcome. Normally 2nd Tuesday monthly, Bakewell Town Hall 9.45am-11.45am. Jan 01629 813105.
Bakewell WI 3rd Tuesday, 7.30pm Friends Meeting House, Bakewell. Speakers, suppers, activities. Contact Rashelle 07912 314972.
Bakewell Young Farmers Club 8pm-9.15pm Monyash Village Hall, frequent outdoor meetings too.
Baslow Bowls Club social and club crown green bowls from 2pm Baslow Sports field. Free parking. bbc.baslow@gmail.com or Helen 07734 448832.
Baslow Ladies Tennis morning 10am-12 o’clock Baslow Sports Field.
Baslow Tennis Club night 6pm-8.30pm Baslow Sports Field.
Baslow St. Anne’s Church Choir Rehearses 6.30pm, sings one communion monthly, Harvest, Christmas, Carol Service and Easter. New members welcome. Bill Campbell 07770 741470 or billcampbell9@hotmail.com
Bonsall School Toddler Group for under 5s, 9-11am during term time. See Monday listing for details.
Chatsworth Players’ Rehearsals Perform at Chatsworth House theatre twice a year and rehearse Tuesdays and Fridays Over Haddon Village Hall, 7.30-9.30pm. chatsworth.players.derbyshire@gmail.com or 07425 919965.
Cressbrook Band rehearses in The Cressbrook, Middle Row, Cressbrook, Tuesday and Thursday 7.30pm-9pm. Welcomes anyone, any age. Theresa Jennison 07765 285511.
Darley Dale Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10.30am very steady walk 60-90 minutes. Meet by the war memorial at Whitworth Park.
Darley Dale WI 2nd Tuesday monthly, Dale Road Methodist Church Hall, 7pm. New members and visitors welcome. Information: Secretary, Jennifer Lane 01629 732447.
Dementia Friendly fully accessible Health Walk and Talk 2pm. Very easy walk and café, 30-60 minutes, from Whitworth Centre and Hassop Station. 1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly.
1st Bakewell Brownies term time, Brigade Hall, Bakewell 6.15pm-7.30pm. 7-10 years. There’s a waiting list. Heidi - heidiandcharlotte@hotmail.com or 07812 896579.
Love to Move Bakewell Town Hall, Council Chamber from 10am. £5 per session. Coffee and biscuits after.
Matlock Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10am Steady walk. 90 minutes different walks around the Matlock area. See Coming Events.
Meditation and Mindfulness Classes Buxton. 7.30-9pm Samudra Buddhist Centre, Buxton, 47 High Street, SK17 6HB. All welcome. Details 01298 79777 / 07527 292908, www.samudracentre.org, info@samudracentre.org
National Women's Register (NWR) Bakewell and surrounding villages. 2nd Tuesday monthly 7pm. Meet in each other’s homes. Lorraine Sinclair-Evans 07773 797462 or website for details.
Outdoor Gym Every Tuesday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – Hope. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Otago Cromford Institute Village Hall 11.45-12.45pm. Adults Library open during the above hours. Room also available for hire.
Parent/Mother and Baby group 10am-11.45am Matlock Methodist Church, Bank Road, Matlock DE4 3FJ.
Peak Chamber Orchestra Calver Methodist Church 7.45pm. Weekly rehearsals, new members welcome. Lynne Potter 0114 2818595.
Pilates with Theresa Hannan, Bakewell Town Hall, 7pm.
St B’s Baby and Toddler Group Back of St Barnabas Church, Bradwell 10-11.30. Toys to play with. Coffee, fruit and chat. £1 per family group. Closed August. Details: Jane 01433 621172.
Taichi/qigong Moore Memorial Hall, Bamford 2-3pm. Contact: lindasouthwick2005@yahoo.co.uk
The Derbyshire Singers rehearse at The Presentation Convent, Chesterfield Road, DE4 34T
19.30-21.30. All singers welcome. www.derbyshiresingers.org or secretaryderbyshiresingers@gmail.com
The Evergreen Club 2pm-4pm. Speakers, quizzes, etc. Darley Dale Methodist Church Hall. New members welcome.
Toddler and Parent/Carer Group Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church, off Bank Road and Oak Road, Matlock. 10am-12 noon, term time and most of holidays. Toys, craft, songs, refreshments. Donations only, all welcome. mmurc.org.uk or info@mmurc.org.uk
Warm and Welcoming Space Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-3pm until 27 March. Level Centre, Old Station Close, Rowsley DE4 2EL.
Winster Morris Dancers 8-9.30pm New starters welcome. Burton Institute, West Bank, Winster, DE4 2DQ.
Wirksworth and District Amnesty International Group 3rd Tuesday monthly 7.30pm. wirksworthaigroup@yahoo.com
Wirksworth Market 8.30-1pm, Memorial Hall Gardens, St John St. Fresh veg and delicious cakes to vintage wares.
Yoga Cromford Institute Village Hall 6.30-7.30pm Adults Library open during the above hours. Room also available for hire.
Youlgrave Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10.30am. Easy walk, 60-90 minutes. Meet Coldwell End car park, Main Street. 2nd and 4th Tuesday monthly.
Ashbourne Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10.30am long walk 180 minutes different walks around the Ashbourne area. See Coming Events.
Back2Netball on the MUGA Tideswell sports complex 6-7.30pm. All welcome, first session free.
Bakewell and District Community Choir 7-9pm Friends Meeting House, Bakewell. New members welcome. No auditions, just turn up! Contact John jhmcgough@yahoo.co.uk or 07972 717279.
Barre Blitz fun, challenging workout. High intensity workout. Burton Institute, Winster. 5.45pm. 07852 299927.
Barre Fit Fun, challenging workout. High rep, low impact workout. 9.15am. Burton Institute, Winster. 07852 299927.
Barre Flow Fun, challenging workout. Mindful class focussing on balance, stability and stretch. Burton Institute, Winster. 10.30am. 07852 299927.
Baslow Choir No auditions! Most Wednesdays, Baslow Village Hall, 7.30pm-9.30pm, Sept-June, with regular concerts. Full social programme. www.baslowchoir.co.uk, 07745 385976, membership@baslowchoir.co.uk
Bel Canto Ladies' Choir sings a mix of choral music and welcomes new members. Rehearsals Baslow St. Anne’s Church 8pm-9.30pm. 07515 287222 or claire.delahaye@hotmail.co.uk
Bolehill WI You are welcome at meetings at Wellspring, Wirksworth, third Wednesday monthly 7.15pm.
Calver and Eyam Bowling Club New members welcome. Free taster sessions with tuition. Bowls can be used free. Refreshments. You don't need a partner. 2pm. The Green, Calver crossroads.
Cromford WI Community Centre, Cromford Market Place, first Wednesday monthly except August. New members and visitors welcome. Janet Chambers on jchambers30@btinternet.com
Cycling (Peak District) 2nd Wednesday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
1st Tideswell Scouts Cub section 8-10, Scouts 10-14 years. Tideswell Community Hall, term time. 5.30-6.45 for Cubs, 7-8.15pm for Scouts. 1stTideswellScouts@gmail.com
Folk Night 1st Wednesday monthly. Live music at the Crispin, Great Longstone, 7.30 onwards. Sing and play. All welcome, especially musicians.
Great Longstone Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am. Short walk. 60-90 mins, very steady walk. Meet at St Giles Church.
Hartington Dance Club 7.45pm-10pm Hartington Village Hall SK17 0AP. hartingtondanceclub@gmail.co.uk or 01335 390286 for information.
Holy Trinity Church Tansley Refreshments and chat 10.15am-11.30am. Get to know the community. All welcome including children and dogs.
Kurling and Boccia The Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale. Last Wednesday monthly, 1.30-3pm. £3 to include tea or coffee.
Matlock Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade (term time) Matlock Methodist / U.R. Church Hall, Bank Road, Matlock 6.30-7.30pm (4-11 years) 7.15-8.45pm (11-18 years) Yvonne 07779 543 255.
Matlock Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am. Steady walk 90 minutes different walks around the Matlock area. See Coming Events.
Matlock Needlecraft Group sit and stitch sessions. Imperial Rooms, Matlock. 10-12. £2.50. Information: Matlockneedlecraft@gmail.com 01629 732512.
Matlock WI First Weds monthly, 7.30, Edgefold Club, Edgefold Rd. Matlock. New members welcome. Variety of speakers. matlock.wi@dfwii.co.uk
Meditation and Mindfulness Classes Buxton. 10.30-11.45am Samudra Buddhist Centre, Buxton, 47 High Street, SK17 6HB. Details 01298 79777 / 07527 292908, www.samudracentre.org, info@samudracentre.org
Millersdale WI 7.30pm second Wednesday monthly, Litton Village Hall. New members welcome. Regular coffee mornings, speakers and outings.
National Trust Longshaw Estate Social Walks 5 miles. 10.30am, the Welcome Building, Woodcroft CP (S11 7TZ). Free but parking charges for non-National Trust members.
New Age Kurling and Boccia Seated or standing, suits all abilities. The Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale last Wednesday monthly 1.30-3pm. £3 includes tea or coffee. To book: 01335 348600 / dales@connex.org.uk
Rotary International Bakewell 1st and 3rd Wednesdays monthly. Speakers, range of topics. Mostly Rutland Arms, Bakewell, 12.30-2pm. Also evening meetings at various venues. 07967 665580 / aesders@aol.com
Silent Book Club 3rd Wednesday monthly 7pm-8.30pm. New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath. No joining fee. Free parking. Everybody welcome. Bring your book and grab a drink.
Singing for Fun (Bamford) – Alternate Wednesday (afternoon) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
South Darley CE Primary School Stay and Play Group ‘Little Darlings’ 10.30am-12 noon term time. £2 per child. 01629 732240 or come along.
Speak Easy at Zink 11am-1pm Initiative enabling people to have open conversations and get advice from public services. Zink HQ, Clough Street, Buxton SK17 6LJ.
Table Tennis (Hathersage) – Every Wednesday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
T’ai Chi Bakewell Town Hall, 9.15am.
T’ai Chi Lee Style 1pm-2.30pm Imperial Rooms, Matlock. Sarah 07832 107286 or Margaret 07592 440124.
Tideswell Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10am. Moderate walk, 90-120 minutes. Meet at Fountain Square, adjacent to toilets. 1st and 3rd Wednesday monthly.
Toddler Music Group Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church, corner of Bank Road and Oak Road, Matlock. 10am-11.30am, term time. Music session. £2 per family, per session. Refreshments. First week free. All welcome. mmurc.org.uk or info@mmurc.org.uk
Walking Football 7-8pm term time, all weather pitch, Lady Manners school, Shutts Lane DE45 1DA. £3 per session. David Moss 07767 407743 or david.peaktrinity@yahoo.com
Walking Netball 10-11am on the MUGA at Hathersage near the swimming pool.
Walking (Peak District) Every Wednesday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Wirksworth Community Choir every Wednesday term time 7.45pm Wirksworth Junior School. New singers welcome. No audition needed. anne@oldak.net
Wirksworth Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 9.45am. Wirksworth Leisure Centre car park. Steady walk 120-150 minutes.
Yoga (Vinyasa Flow) 6.15pm-7.45pm, Bakewell Town Hall, 07733 179773. www.holistichealthderbyshire.com
Art and Artists (Gallery trips) – Last Thursday Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Bakewell Beavers Thurs and Fri 6-7pm, Brigade Hall by infant school. Girls and boys 6-8, Claire Hollings clairehollings@yahoo.com
Bakewell Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am Steady walk 90-120 minutes different walks around the Derbyshire Dales. See Coming Events.
Bakewell Farming Life Centre Walk 1.15pm Easy walk, 60-90 mins. Various meeting points for gentle monthly walk. Café at the end. info@thefarminglifecentre.co.uk.
Bakewell Library Adult and children’s jigsaw swap available during open hours. Granby Road, Bakewell DE4 1ES.
Bakewell Mannerians Rugby Club Senior training at Lady Manners 3G pitch 7pm-8pm. All abilities.
Bakewell Methodist Church 1.30pm-4.30pm church hall open for anyone, of any age, to enjoy company, crafts, jigsaws, games, coffee and cake. All free.
Baslow Garden Society Third Thursday monthly, Baslow Village Hall, 7.30pm. Garden related talks and visits. baslowgardensociety@weebly.com.
Biggin Bingo Biggin Village Hall. Doors 7, play starts 7.30. 90 minutes playing. Flyer for cash accumulator, added weekly until it’s won!
Camera Club (Peak District) – 2nd Thursday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Carer and Toddler Group Bakewell Methodist Church, Haddon Road. Social activities for pre-school children and meeting point. 10am-11.45am term times. £3 per family group.
Children’s Dancing Classes Ballroom, Latin and Freestyle, term time, Monyash Village Hall. Karen 07800 793453.
Cressbrook Band rehearses in The Cressbrook, Middle Row, Cressbrook, 7.30pm-9pm. Village brass band welcomes anyone. Theresa Jennison 07765 285511.
Darley Dale Reading and Discussion Group for people with memory problems and their carer/friend 11am first Thursday monthly, Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale. Friendly, informal group. New members welcome. Kateytwyford@gmail.com or 07725 039015 for information.
Derwent Valley Floral Art 1st Thursday monthly Calver Village Hall at 7.30pm. Contact: 0775124963 or 07821142041. Full programme on Facebook
Discover Digital IT Workshops for Beginners Free in Buxton 2.30-4pm. Laptops provided, tutors on hand. Zink HQ, Clough Street (Market Street Car Park), Buxton SK17 6LJ. liz@zink.org.uk or 01298 214926.
Discussion Group (Hathersage) – 4th Thursday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Elton Church Coffee Mornings 10am-12 noon in the Village Hall. All welcome.
Falls Clinic Gentle exercise to build strength and stability. 1.30pm, Bakewell Town Hall.
Family History (Hope) – 2nd Thursday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
German Conversation (Bamford) – Every Thursday (afternoon) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Guided walking tour of Bakewell from river to Old House Museum, start 1.30pm. Meet at Visitor Centre. Book there (01629 813227) by 1pm. £8 adult, children and dogs free. Money to museum charity. 01629 813642 to save £1.50 on combined walk and museum entry. www.oldhousemuseum.org.uk
Living with Technology (Hope) – 3rd Thursday (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
'Love to Move' session Hathersage Memorial Hall 11am followed by tea and coffee £5 per session.
Matlock Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am. Meet at bandstand in Hall Leys Park, Matlock. 2 weekly walks on very good ground. Very steady walk 30-60 minutes, very steady walk 60-90 minutes.
Matlock Luncheon Club 11.30am second Thursday monthly, Peak Edge Hotel, Chesterfield. Lunch and post lunch speaker. www.matlockluncheonclub.co.uk
Matlock Trefoilguild Third Thursday monthly, 7pm Darley Dale Methodist Church Hall. Activities, speakers, demonstrations, occasional trips out. New members welcome. Ann 01629 583693.
Meditation Group — Sangha in The Peak 2nd Thursday monthly. 7.25-9pm (7.30pm start), Litton Village Hall. All welcome, new or experienced. Donations invited. sanghainthepeak.org
Natural History and the Environment (Peak District) 1st Thursday – (morning) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Nature Natters sessions 11am Bakewell (meet at toilets in park) 1st Thursday monthly, and Matlock (meet Hall Leys Park Bandstand) 3rd Thursday monthly. 01629 812154 ext 2 Debbie or Zoe for information.
Open Meeting normally speaker or activity (Hathersage) – 4th Thursday (afternoon) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
Outdoor Pickleball Winster 10am-12noon Playing fields next to school. Paddles provided. £3 one hour or £5 two hours per person. Anthea 07860 140435
Peak Women in Ag last Thursday evening monthly. Information: Alice 07904 691457 or alice@thefarminglifecentre.org.uk or thefarminglifecentre.org.uk/peak-women-in-ag/
“Raise Your Voices” choir, Wirksworth singing together with musical director Lester Simpson. 7-9pm in Wellspring, 49 St John St, Wirksworth DE4 4DS. No auditions, all abilities welcome. Subs £4 weekly. Details www.raiseyourvoicesww.com and Facebook.
Real Ale and Wine (Hathersage) Last Thursday (evening) Hope Valley u3a – various locations in Hope Valley. 07534 833814 chair.hvu3a@gmail.com or hopevalley.u3asite.uk
River Network Innovative Warm Spaces Initiative Warm drinks, snacks etc, IT and media support and training. Quizzes, games. Gateway for volunteering opportunities, training and qualifications within charity. 3pm-6pm Cromford Mills, Matlock DE4 3RQ.
Stitch, Knit and Natter Darley Dale Methodist Church Hall, 2.15-4.15pm. Carol 07581 530544.
U3A Duplicate Bridge 1.30pm-4.30pm Medway Centre, Bakewell. 01629 814533.
Walking Football 10-11am on the MUGA Hathersage near the swimming pool.
Warm and Welcoming Space Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-3pm until 27 March. Level Centre, Old Station Close, Rowsley DE4 2EL.
Weekly Social Runs: 19.00, Alport Lane Playing fields, Youlgrave DE45 1WN. Easy run and drink in pub after. youlgraveharriers@gmail.com www.youlgraveharriers.com
Wormhill and District WI 8pm 3rd Thursday monthly, Wormhill Village Hall, SK17 8SL. Interesting and varied speakers, workshops and outings. New members welcome, or £5 guests. wi.wormhill@gmail.com
Ashbourne Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am. Steady walk, meet Ashbourne Leisure Centre. 90-120 minutes.
Bakewell Beavers Thursday and Friday evening 6-7pm. See Thursday listing for details.
Bakewell Bowling Club Social bowling 6pm. Beginners and experienced. Turn up or 07971 883918.
Bakewell Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 9.40am Steady walk, meet at old Police Station. 90-120 minutes.
Bakewell Derbyshire Dales Health Walk 10.15am Very steady walk, meet at Bakewell Pudding Shop. 60-90 minutes.
Baslow Bowls Club social and club crown green bowls from 2pm Baslow Sports field. Free parking. bbc.baslow@gmail.com / Helen 07734 448832.
Calver and Eyam Bowling Club New members welcome. Free taster sessions with tuition. Bowls can be used free. Tea and biscuits. You don’t need a partner. 2pm. The Green, next to sweet shop, Calver crossroads.
Chatsworth Players’ Rehearsals Perform at Chatsworth House theatre twice a year, rehearse Tuesdays and Fridays Over Haddon Village Hall, 7.30-9.3pm. chatsworth.players.derbyshire@gmail.com or 07425 919965.
Darley Dale Croquet Club, Whitworth Park From 2pm. Golf croquet, simple, fun game. Gordon Taylor (07919 808413 -secretary@darleydalecroquetclub.org.uk)
Derbyshire Cricket Foundation Walking cricket Matlock Arc Leisure Centre 10-11am. All abilities. Refreshments after. £5 per session. Booking or volunteering: lucy.miller@dcfcricket.com, dcfcricket.com/projects/walking-cricket/ or book: forms.office.com/e/8DDFdWLivr
Matlock Bridge Club Friendly, hosted duplicate bridge. 1.50pm for 2pm start. No need for a partner. St Helen's Church Hall, Church Road, Darley Dale. DE4 2GL. www.bridgewebs.com/matlock
Matlock Cycling Club start 09.30 all year round Darley Dale Whitworth Park Car Park, 30-40 miles, mostly minor roads to café and back by 1-2pm. New riders welcome, ring in advance Chris 07709 881270 or Richard 07410 402536 to confirm.
Matlock G and S Singers 7.30pm, All Saints’ Church Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock, singing wide variety of music. Welcoming group. Sue 07807 503367.
Moorland House, Hathersage tea, coffee and homemade cake in the Garden Lounge 1.30-3.30pm. All welcome.
Parkinson's Support Group 1st Friday monthly, Conference Room, Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell, 2.30pm-4.30pm. Friendship, support, speakers and outings to anybody with Parkinson’s and carers. Family and friends welcome. Joyce 01629 812288.
RBL Branch Coffee Mornings Wheatsheaf Bridge Street, Bakewell, in rear room. First Friday monthly, 9am. £5.95 tea / coffee and slice of cake.
River Network Innovative Warm Spaces Initiative See Thursday listing for details.
Tideswell Walking Netball 10-11am Sports Complex next to Bishop Pursglove School, off St John’s Road, SK17 8NE, weather permitting. £5 per session. No experience needed. Optional coffee after. Pam Muchan 07854 820229.
Toddler Group at Winster Primary School 10-11.30am. Hannah Masters for dates: FB or 01629 650344.
Tools for self reliance Bakewell. Tool kits for Africa 10am-12. Mill Leat Workshop next to Agricultural Centre. Mary Pope 01629 733944.
Wellbeing Cromford Institute Village Hall 9.30-11.30am. Adults Library open during the above hours. Room also available for hire.
Youth Night drop in and fun nights. 6.30pm Hurst Farm Community Centre, 6 Hazel Grove, Derbyshire DE4 3ED.
Bakewell Farmers’ Market Agricultural Centre. 8.30am-1.30pm. Parking and easy access. Last Saturday monthly, except December – last Saturday before Christmas. 01629 813777.
Bonsall Church Café 12 noon-3pm. Wide selection of snacks and refreshments.
Cardio Tennis in Bamford 9.30-10.30am. Fast and fun fitness. £8 per session. No experience required. Book week by week: bit.ly/bamford-cardio
Darley Dale Croquet Club, Whitworth Park From 2pm. Golf croquet. Fun, social game for all. Gordon Taylor (07919 808413 -secretary@darleydalecroquetclub.org.uk)
Matlock Park Bowls Club social and competitive crown green bowling held at Hall Leys Park, all ages and abilities welcome. bowlsmatlockpark@gmail.com
Matlock Derbyshire Dales Health Walks 10am. Meet at bandstand Hall Leys Park, Matlock. On very good ground. Very steady walk 60-90 minutes.
River Network Innovative Warm Spaces Initiative See Thursday listing for details.
St. James' Church Bonsall 12 noon-3pm for refreshments. Vegan and GF available. Tables inside or out. Used books to buy for small donation. Proceeds to upkeep of building.
Tideswell Mindfulness Group 1st and 3rd Saturdays Litton Village Hall, online the other Saturdays monthly. 9-10. All welcome. felly55@btinternet.com (Jules).
Tideswell Repair Café third Saturday monthly, Community Hall, Tideswell. Drop in with broken items 10am-1.30pm. www.repaircafe.org/en/. Contact via www.facebook.com/TideswellRepairCafe To find a Repair Café, visit www.derbyshire.gov.uk/environment/rubbish-waste/repair-cafes/repair-cafes.aspx
Wirksworth Repair Café Free repairs first Saturday monthly Wellspring Church Hall, Wood Street, Wirksworth, 9.30am-12.30pm. Fixers will attempt to repair portable items. Donations welcome.
All Saints Bakewell Service first four Sundays monthly 10.30am; second Sunday Non Eucharistic Worship led by the congregation, first, third and fourth Sundays Eucharist. Fifth Sundays Benefice Eucharist, moving around Benefice churches each time. Weekly 9.45 online live reflection and prayers.
Bakewell Methodist Church Morning worship most Sundays at 10.30am. All welcome.
Bakewell Quakers meet for Worship 10.30am Quaker Meeting House in Chapel Row off Matlock Street, Bakewell DE45 1EL. All welcome.
Bonsall Church Café 12 noon-3pm. Wide selection of snacks and refreshments.
Buxton Spiritualist Church Divine Service, demonstration of Mediumship. 6pm for 6.30pm. Donations on the door. Contact our Facebook page. Holker Road, Buxton, SK17 6QN.
Darley Dale Croquet Club, Whitworth Park From 2pm. Golf croquet, a simple fun and social game for all. Gordon Taylor (07919 808413 / secretary@darleydalecroquetclub.org.uk)
Darley Dale Methodist Church Morning Worship 10.30am every Sunday. Evening Worship 6.30pm first Sunday monthly.
Halcyon Rambling Club welcomes new members, varied programme of walks throughout the year. www.halcyonrambling.co.uk or Halcyon1927@btinternet.com
Peak Walking Group welcomes new members. Varied walks in and around the Peak District, usually 7-9 miles. www.peakwalkinggroup.com or Bryan 07805 258958.
River Network Church 11am. Whitworth Centre in Darley Dale, Matlock.
St. James’ Church Bonsall See Saturday listing for details.
Womens and Girls Cricket all ages, Darley Dale Cricket Club 11-12.30. Contact: darleydalecc.sturudkin@gmail.com
Brassington Pre-School for 2+ year olds village hall, Brassington. Mon-Fri 8.55am. Andrea Brandon 01629 540855.
Level Centre TreeScape, an immersive natural world www.levelcentre.com/treescape and Neurodivergent Conversations by artist Christine Thomas www.levelcentre.com/spotlight-award-2025-christine-thomas Until 28 March. Entry free. Level Centre, Old Station Close, Rowsley DE4 2EL.
St Mary’s Church, Wirksworth Community foodbank, clothes bank. Place in church 10am-4pm. St. Mary’s Church, The Maltings, St Mary’s Gate DE4 4DQ.
St Mary’s Church, Wirksworth Refugees – Sleeping bags, blankets, good quality clothing and trainers required. Place in plastic bags, label men, women, children or babies 10am-4pm. St. Mary’s Church, The Maltings, St Mary’s Gate DE4 4DQ.
Please note that the Peak Advertiser cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or timeliness of any event submitted to us for publication. See our full terms here.
Derbyshire Districts Citizens’ Advice Bureau. Free, confidential and independent advice for any problem including debt, housing, employment, benefits, consumer, family and relationship. Telephone 0844 375 2712 for appointments/advice (Monday to Friday 10am-4pm. Derbyshire Dales, Matlock Bureau, Town Hall, Matlock. Drop-in and appointments Monday to Friday from 10am–2pm (with a limited service after 2pm). Appointments also available across Derbyshire Dales GP Surgeries in Ashbourne, Bakewell, Darley Dale, Matlock, Winster, Wirksworth and Youlgreave – contact your surgery for details and in Children’s Centres in Ashbourne ( call 01629 533800), Bakewell (call 01629 533673) and Matlock (call 01629 581867). High Peak, Buxton Bureau, 26 Spring Gardens, Buxton. Drop-in Monday 9.30am-2pm and Wednesday 10am-12pm, appointments Thursday 10am-2pm. High Peak, Glossop Bureau, 1st Floor Bradbury Community House, Market St, Glossop. Appointments Monday 10am-2pm, Drop-in Tuesday 5-7pm and Friday 10am-2pm. High Peak, New Mills Bureau, Town Hall, New Mills. Appointments Tuesday 10am-2pm and drop-in Thursday 10am-2pm. Appointments also available at Whaley Bridge Mechanics Institute (call 0844 375 2712) and across High Peak GP Surgeries in Baslow, Buxton, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Gamesley, Glossop, Hadfield, Hartington, Hayfield, Hope Valley, New Mills and Tideswell - contact your surgery for details and in Children’s Centres in Chapel-en-le-Frith (call 01629 533680), Fairfield (call 01298 74895), Gamesley (call 01457 728950), Glossop (01629 531232, Hadfield (call 01457 860729), Harpur Hill (call 01298 74101) and New Mills (01629 533000).