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Julie has lived in the Peak District for over 40 years, where she and her Derbyshire-born husband have raised four children. Her interest (some would say obsession) in local history, interspersed with overseas travel, has given her the opportunity to publish a number of books as well as regular features for national magazines.
Her main and ongoing output consists of pieces for the Peak Advertiser, now numbering almost 1,800 features, series and snippets since its inception in 1982. The interest and responses received from Peak Advertiser readers are, she says, especially gratifying.
Julie also undertakes freelance research for the BBC and independent television companies, involving occasional personal appearances in front of the camera. This brought about her most enjoyable role to date, acting as both intermediary and participant when the Peak Advertiser starred in Central Television’s Heart of the Country in June 2003. She has also taken part in regular radio broadcasts, speaking on local history and traditions.
In 2001 Julie moved into a fresh medium as creative writer on the ambitious and highly successful Peakland Heritage website www.peaklandheritage.org.uk
Work in progress includes a series on famous modern day Peaklanders, which for a change places the author back in the land of the living. Between times, Julie takes literary journeys into the past to reveal weird and wonderful stories from all around Peak.
Her published titles:
Fifty Family Jaunts around Derbyshire, 1984
Derbyshire Superlatives, 1985
Fifty Family Jaunts around Nottinghamshire, 1987
Peak Past & Present, 1988
Our Peakland Villages, 1989
A Peakland Chronology, 1994
Peakland Abecedary, 1993
The Earls & Dukes of Devonshire, 1997
A Peakland Abecedary, published by the author 2008
Still in print:
Give a Man a Good Name: in The Seven Blunders of the Peak, 1994 (Scarthin)
Images of Matlock and Matlock Bath, 2002 (Tempus)
Following The Derwent, 2004 (Northend)
Bygone Industries of the Peak 2006 (Wildtrack Publishing)


Sally has lived in Derbyshire all her life. Her childhood was spent in Matlock, followed by teenage years in Bakewell and Birchover, and a spell at Rowsley. She currently lives in Over Haddon with the wonders of Lathkill Dale on her doorstep.
She lives with husband Brian and has two children and six grandchildren.
Sally has been writing for the Peak Advertiser for 20 years and has amassed more than 500 walks as well as various other articles.
She has walked ‘Downstream with the Dove’, ‘Meandered with the Manifold’, ‘Wandered with the Wye’ as well as ‘Walked with Alfie’ and taken almost three years to compile the ‘Around and About’ series, where she visited virtually every town and village in the Peak Advertiser’s catchment area.
She has been ‘Around the Edge’, on ‘Circular Walks for the Family’ not to mention ‘Hilltop Hikes’ and ‘Nature Rambles’. She has ‘Rambled Around’ and ‘Walked with Alfie’ and even done a few features on ‘Walking up an Appetite’ and 'Ancient Guide Stoops'.
Having finished a series of 'Teapot Trails' visiting local tea rooms, Sally then went on to 'Make Mine A Shandy' where she incorprated a refreshment stop in one of our local public houses.
Alfie (Sally's dog, now sadly deceased) and Sally have also been on a series of adventures involving visits to the police headquarters and Sudbury Prison in her articles on working dogs and dogs involved in charities.
Now, after a couple of years since the loss of Alfie, Sally has a new dog and her current series 'Walks With Nellie' is proving to be another huge success.

Poet, musician and songwriter has lived and worked in the Derbyshire Peak District most of his life. He has three published books of poetry, ‘Wild Oats’ (Editions one and two), ‘Mickey Finn’ and ‘Fox Night’. He has read his poetry on BBC Radio and in schools and was prize winner of the Derbyshire Poetry Festival in 1979. Writing regularly over the past thirty years or so much of Richard’s work has been inspired by his boyhood in the High Peak village of Edale and his love of the Derbyshire Peak District. Richard has written poetry for the ‘Peak Advertiser’ for over a year accompanying his poems with a brief preamble, often giving a humorous introduction to a more serious work and vice versa. Many of his poems are also provided with his own sketch on the subject.
During the past twelve months Richard has co-released a CD as one half of the duo ‘Deliverance’. Whilst the CD contains a mixture of popular songs, the cover and the lyrics of the title song ‘Edale’ are derived from an original poem written by Richard about his family and their association with the Derbyshire Peak village. The CD is sold through the Peak District National Park Information Centres in Castleton and Edale.
During Richard’s forthcoming retirement he hopes to complete a further book of poetry, continue with his music and take up sailing.
Nicola Rose

Nicola Rose DipCH BSc (Hons) RNutr is a fully Registered Nutritionist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. She worked for a specialist NHS weight management service for many years. Nicola writes the monthly article 'Health Issues' for the Peak Advertiser.
Email Nicola at nrose2862@gmail. com