Your local paper, for local people, promoting local business for 42 years
Over 23,000 copies distributed every fortnight
T: 01629 812159
Privacy policy
Data and our website:
We use Google Analytics as a means to measure the volume of visitors to our site. If you would like us to request your data from Google, please email enquiries@peak-advertiser.co.uk
Our website has a directory of businesses that advertise regularly in the Peak Advertiser. This is a complimentary service that is purely intended to help promote local business online as well as in the paper.
Our directory contains information such as business name, business services, location and contact telephone number.
If you are one of our regular advertisers and you would like your data to be removed from our website directory, please contact us at: enquiries@peak-advertiser.co.uk
Company GDPR Policy Statement
We hold names, addresses, phone numbers and emails for accounts purposes so that we can send invoices and statements by post or email.
As a small family-run business, we don’t share any of our information with anyone else, apart from our accountants when they are filing our year end.
We do take credit/debit card payments where we will keep merchant slips which has partial card details. We never store or hold the 3 digit security code. Customers who repeatedly pay by card have to give us all their information to us again as we do inform them that we do not hold their card details.
On the advertising side of the business, we do hold electronic lists of businesses along with their phone numbers which are categorised into different trades, mainly for the use of our sales staff in planning features.
Customer freely give their personal information for the purposes of advertising within our newspaper but it doesn’t include any sensitive personal data such as: IP addresses, religious beliefs, ethnicity, sexual orientation or political views, etc.
We can delete any of our customers’ details at any time (address and phone numbers) but their account name will still be on our accounts system for several years, before we can totally delete them, as this is standard accountancy practice.
We do employ children from the age of 13 upwards to deliver our newspaper, and it’s usually their parents who give us their home information for delivering the papers to them. We send details of children between the ages of 13 and 16 to Derbyshire Dales District Council who provide a work permit after filling in a risk assessment and P46 form.